iStatus Delivers More Than Just Network Monitoring

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Validate Your Connections 24/7 With iStatus ConnectionValidation™

Traditional network connection monitoring does not test connectivity from the perspective of each remote location or from (for example) each floor in a large hotel. Doing this typically requires a server on each VLAN with a probe installed, and cannot validate (test) backup Internet connections while they are inactive.

With traditional network connection monitoring, remote probes simply go offline when they are disconnected, giving network administrators little if any indication what went wrong. iStatus patented technology proactively solves this issue with purpose-built, inexpensive hardware probes that can be easily distributed across an organization. These probes send beacons (packets) with information, to iStatus Cloud. When these packets are received, they are correlated, to make decisions to validate that each connection is up and working from the perspective of each network segment, such as each floor in a large hotel.

ConnectionValidation™ (our patented WAN link monitoring technology) allows iStatus to test and validate these connections without sending large amounts of traffic across expensive connections. With technology to detect failover events and alert network administrators, iStatus is helping businesses leverage unparalleled connectivity.

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