Driving Connectivity Needs While Businesses Are Being Built

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Are you currently under construction and in need of an Internet connection? InternetAnywhere is a managed 4G LTE/5G cellular Internet connection designed for rural, remote, mobile, and redundant connectivity and is a universally great choice for your primary Internet connection while building. Construction workers benefit from the Internet in many ways, from improving productivity, becoming safer, and making operations more efficient.

InternetAnywhere provides strong 4G Internet to help construction sites:

Improve Productivity
Improve Productivity
(enable the use of software that virtually manages sites, plus machinery, ASR, & IoT devices onsite)
Maintain Safety
Maintain Safety
(enable the use of digitized safety machines to collect data work processes & decision making; helps determine safety protocols & training)
Streamline Operations
Streamline Operations
(enable the use of GPS, real-time inspections, AI, drones, digital tools, & more)

InternetAnywhere is a reliable and secure Internet connection while you are in the midst of the building and can act as your primary connection. In addition, once your site is built, InternetAnywhere can switch over to be your secondary connection once your ISP has been set up. So, once your primary connection is set up and InternetAnywhere switched over to your secondary connection, you’ll have a reliable, backup Internet connection.

Check for Service

Verify that InternetAnywhere is available for your construction site.

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